coffee became popular since the early 17th Century and became known through out Europe.

During that time coffee drinking started in Vienna and slowly spread across Europe to Germany. By the middle of the 17th Century, the Dutch monopolised the world merchant shipping trade and it was they who introduced coffee cultivation on a large scale in their co lonies in indonesia ,Sumatra, Bali and islands of Java.

Though East India Company were slow in joining the coffee trade by virtue of holding a monopoly on trade East of cape of Good hope they were quick to realise the importance and as early as 1607 explored the possibilities of trade in Europe. Realising that instead of bringing it back to Europe where the demand was low, the company started selling it in Persia and Mogul India. Once the coffees started becoming very popular East India Company became the largest importer of coffee for the British Market.
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Know about Tanjore Coffee and its Tradition and know why Tanjore Filter coffee is the best coffee in the world

How the coffee plant first came into India makes a very i interesting reading . It was a Moslem piligrim to Mecca BABA BUDAN who smuggled the first coffee plants. These plants were hidden by strapping them to his belly from Yemen back to India. He planted them outside his cave in the Mysore Province, now known as Karnataka in the southern part of india and this place is now is known as Baba Budan Hills.

Several decades later after coffee cultivation started in Java and Sumatra Islands cultivation started in the Latin American Countries.Meanwhile,a rare plant disease spread thro' the coffee fields of South East Asia and this was when Brazil emerged as the worlds leading coffee producer a position which it still holds today.

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